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Hostage Rescue, Fallen Comrade


  • Short rest to recuperate
  • About half a mile from Yellyark, the party halts while Kleb does some scouting on his broom
    • Rulkorf Giant Eagle to get closer
    • Oz is not one of the captives, there is a different half-orc hostage
    • Mages seem to be in the center, on the lily pad
  • Planning session
    • The strategy is to get the goblins to congregate on the lilypad before letting them escape, leaving the hostages behind
    • Phase 1 is general panic, phase 2 is decoy attack for the rope, and phase 3 is the real thrust, which is going for the hostage cage
  • Rulkorf molds the earth out from under a boulder on the hill, which tumbles down and crushes all three goblin boats. On that signal, Rowan leads Beezer and Eugene towards the tree mechanism, shouting in broken Goblin, and Kleb and Ogden prepare to rush towards the cage
  • The golem fires a volley of projectiles at Rowan and Beezer, many of which connect. The goblins generally rush towards the center of the village, and the guards of the hostages desert their post. A couple head towards the wreckage of the boats to investigate.
    • Kleb sneaks forward to open the cage door (very seductively, winking at the ladies), and once they file out he tosses a fire bead at the golem with a flick of the wrist. Two goblins are caught in the blast and completely incinerated
  • The dwarf watches everything happening in the distance, and can’t intervene, so he uses an ace up his sleeve – a growth potion combined with the Guardian of Nature spell. He stomps towards the nearest couple goblins
    • Beezer retreats, thankfully in the right direction, having been gravely injured by the golem’s bullets. Rowan dashes forward to cut the rope, and with the help of his spectral weapon he severs the vine rope from its mechanism. Many of the goblins, including Queen Grabstab, are scooped up and flung away
    • The shield guardian golem does not deactivate. Instead it walks towards Rowan and cuts down a fleeing Beezer from afar. All of the remaining goblins run away in terror
    • Kleb dashes forward to support his allies and attacks the golem, without dealing much damage. The hostages escape to a safe distance with Ogden
  • Rulkorf’s new form lacks finesse, but makes up for it in brute strength. His supersized staff magic missile
    • Rowan holds his sword aloft, glowing radiantly, and looses all of his magic and might on the shield guardian. It is heavily damages but responds with a wave of fire towards both Kleb and Rowan
    • Kleb recalls what he once learned about these shield guardians, and thinks it has about 1/3rd of its health left, but doesn’t know of any weak points. He nevertheless manages to stab through its right knee
  • Rulkorf dashes into the fray, appearing in front of the golem with a puff of silvery mist
    • Rowan holds things down with his spectral weapon and heads in the direction of Beezer
    • The golem swings and misses Kleb, but on a follow-up manages to strike Rulkorf. Kleb fails to pierce the golem’s armor
  • Rowan reaches Beezer, but a moment too late. Beezer 12 Washingbeard is dead.
    • The paladin tries to heal him anyway, with no effect
  • Golem kicks Kleb away, but the fighter remains standing. He counters with his sword, bringing the construct to its knees. With a final flourish, Kleb cleaves upwards through its torso, ending the thing
  • Tries to revivify Beezer, to no avail. It seems that the Soulmonger’s interference has prevented the normal pathways of the soul from allowing Beezer’s return