The Wizard and Oz¶
- In order to aid Father Sitimbe’s scrying, the party searches for something of more emotional value to Oz, but are unable to procure anything beyond the maps and some smut.
- Kleb is too impatient to wait until the following day, so he leads the party back to the Temple of Savras. They let themselves in and a couple nuns lead them back to the sepulcher, where Sitimbe is waiting with a divination circle prepared. The four of them assume positions at the cardinal directions around the circle
- They have a shared vision of Oz walking around a camp filled with Zentarum mercenaries. They are on the banks of a vast lake. There are visions interspersed with this one, where the camp is empty, with the banner on fire, and the lake is filled with pairs of eyestalks. Large chitinous lobster-like creatures invade the camp from the water as Oz makes his escape.
- Morning sunlight streams into the hall as the group rouses from their divination
- The party asks Sitimbe about the crustaceans (called Aldani) and tries to narrow down the places this vision could have focused on
- On the way back to the House of Rest, the party discusses their options and Rowan gets a divine impulse that they ought to forge onward and make their own luck
- They relay what they’ve learned to Pel, who is skeptical of the usefulness of this information. He confirms that they likely viewed the Aldani Basin, but is surprised that the Zentarum dared camp on its shores
- Volothrim is in town, the author of a well-known monster guide. He may be able to offer more information about local fauna
- They all rest for a few hours before setting back out on the next order of business – among other things, approaching the Order of the Gauntlet for assistance with passage upriver