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Paying Savras A Visit


  • The party decides to visit Sitimbe at the Temple of Savras. Rowan and Rulkorf hitch a ride on the brontosaurus express, although Kleb opts to run there
    • At the end of the line, the pair exit in front of the Harbormaster’s office, which has a bulletin board out front, and head to the temple
  • Savras is a god of foresight, divination, and truth. While not among the most popular in the Pantheon, the lawful-neutral god has a fairly devout following here
  • They find Kleb exercising shirtless in front of a crowd of nuns. Two of them eagerly agree to escort him and his companions into the temple
  • Sitimbe is an old but lithe man, and when the party enters they find him conversing with two men in black armor
    • Rulkorf reads the lips of the priest and one of the armored guys and gathers that Sitimbe is refusing to aid them in some endeavor and rejecting a bribe in the process. Kleb IDs the figures in black as heavily armed and armored Zentarum
    • It does not seem that the Zentarum fighters recognize the party at all, and the duo leave without further incident
  • The party follows the priest to the sepulcher so they can speak privately. They request aid in locating Ozamataz, and Sitimbe agrees in exchange for a small donation to the temple. When challenged on how this donation differed from the bribe he was offered earlier, the priest explains that the Zentarum were looking for Artus Cimber, a Harper, and he refused to help simply because he was unable to do so.
    • His insight is limited – for example, he cannot locate the lost city of Omu beyond merely viewing a black obelisk in the jungle
    • Can bring Beezer to help uniquely identify Oz. Their familiarity will help make a stronger connection
  • The group uses the rest of the afternoon to go on a bit of a temple crawl – Rowan wants to visit the house of his goddess Tymora, Rulkorf seeks the services of the craftsmen of Gond, and Kleb’s interest is piqued by the idea of finding followers of Sune (beauty and passion)
    • Sune’s temple looks abandoned and in a state of disrepair. Rowan can’t even sense consecrated ground here, which is highly unusual and a bit concerning
    • The front door is locked but Kleb opens it with his magically-enhanced warhammer, and Rowan dons his night-vision goggles to explore the interior
    • As they explore the temple, Kleb remembers that Sune’s domain was destroyed two decades earlier, which explains the empty and desolate structure
    • The party agrees that this would make a good safe house and/or defensible location, but hopefully that won’t be necessary

That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil
  • A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil
  • A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    Lorem ipsum

  • a
  • b
  • Lorem ipsum

  • a
  • b
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil
  • Half-orc ranger of the forest. Not native to Chult but has lived there for many years.

  • Friend and traveling companion of Beezer Twelve Washingbeard
  • Lorem ipsum

  • a
  • b
  • Dwarf sorcerer with innate magical powers. Apprenticed for a wizard at one point.

  • Friend and traveling companion of Ozamataz Buckshank
  • [!INFO]- DM’s Note
    *Beezer’s class on paper is actually Wizard and I don’t think even he is aware of the fact that he’s actually a wizard and not a sorcerer. He doesn’t actually have wild magic or anything of that natur…

    Half-orc ranger of the forest. Not native to Chult but has lived there for many years.

  • Friend and traveling companion of Beezer Twelve Washingbeard
  • A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil