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Regroup & Debrief


  • Rowan slaps the bugbear conscious so the party can interrogate him, and when he claims not to know anything about the paladin’s failing divine connection, Rowan and Kleb step up to threaten him further
  • He reveals that King Grohl (whom the party spared back at Cragmaw Castle) ordered the group to cause a ruckus on behalf of an “outside client,” but they didn’t know that Rowan was here
  • Kleb wants to recruit the bugbear, and reads his Lozenge Gules pamphlet aloud in Goblin
  • After some debate about whether the bugbear could ever be trustworthy, and a jab at his lack of confidence in handling the Lozenge Azure without a larger following, Kleb feels the need to prove himself. He crosses the town square and punches a Mintarn bodyguard.
  • The two exchange blows before Kleb manages to grapple his foe and wrench his spear away, and pops a second one in the nose
  • Seeing a bunch more guards heading towards the commotion, Rulkorf asks Rowan to handle the bugbear before conjuring a cloud of fog and dashing in to extract Kleb
  • Kleb wants to save face and resists, but Rulkorf taps into his strength reserves to drag Kleb out of the square
  • The party decides to relocate somewhere quieter, and heads off towards Tresendar Manor. Kleb sends a thought out to get the Nothic up to speed, but hears no response
  • The group agrees to make use of their newly-discovered jail cells in the hideout, and bring the bugbear there. Jeeves registers the prisoner and assures them that he will watch over the jail, and raises Jarvis, another skeleton from the crypt to act as a second guard
  • Kleb makes a hurried exit as he is uncomfortable with the undead servants
  • Rowan weighs his options for torturing the prisoner, which leads Rulkorf to express concern that his savage streak might be connected to his divine powers failing him
  • They head to the barracks and nod off
  • Soon after, Rowan experiences a troubling dream in which he speaks to a mysterious voice that seems to be emanating from a crescent moon overhead. It claims to know the reason that his powers are inaccessible, but he can’t recognize it, and it is not the voice he associated with Tymora. It promises to speak again soon, and the paladin wakes with a start
  • Kleb also has a troubling dream as he is bothered by the fact that he was overpowered by Rulkorf, seemingly without too much trouble. In his dreamscape, he does panic pushups
  • Rulkorf is still riding a high from all the cool shit he did, and dreams that he is surfing gnarly waves with Gil
  • The trio sleeps in and recovers from their busy night, and upon waking, hear the Nothic in their minds, who returned early in the morning. They head to the creature’s chambers to debrief, and he shares what he learned:
  • The goblins who attacked Phandalin are apparently part of a much larger group than the original Cragmaws. Something is riling up the local goblinoid population, and they are probing for resistance somehow
  • The Lozenge Azure hated the Nothic, even more than humans usually do. Their mages hunted him throughout the night, and seem to have a specialty in tracking and “confounding” magic – abjurations, counterspells, and mage hunting
  • The party asks that the defensive traps in and around the manor be fortified in case the mage hunters do find the hideout, and guards be posted at the main entrance again (near the fountain). After extensive debate, they decide to have the trapped hallway become even more trapped
  • Rowan encourages the Nothic to extract more information from the bugbear once it gets some rest, and the party heads out to assess how much heat is on their tail, if any
  • No one seems to be paying special attention to the party
  • Approaching the town square, Rulkorf notices that the Lozenge Azure tents are being collapsed, and they seem to be packing up to leave town early
  • Sildar flags them down, and they discuss the kerfuffle last night
  • Rulkorf compliments him on the speedy removal of goblin corpses from the town square, but a confused Sildar responds that his administration didn’t take care of that…
  • Next, the trio head to Sister Garaele’s house, and after eating her oatmeal cookies, get her up to speed on the goblin attack as well as the other rumors the Nothic had shared
  • The only point that piqued her interest is the increased traffic at Candlekeep, which she explains is a fortified castle and library on the Sword Coast. Normally at least one Harper is (unofficially) stationed there, and as a bastion of knowledge it is a fairly unique location
    • The Candlekeepers are independent and bow to no lord or king
  • She surmises that the Lozenge Azure may be heading back west, as they have been traveling for a while and a separate contingent had gone to Triboar
  • The party thanks her and leaves. Kleb checks the bulletin board in the center of town

A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil (entity inside Rulkorf’s Cloak of the Manta …
  • A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A fearsome hobgoblin (not a bugbear) who ruled the Cragmaws from Cragmaw Castle. He ordered the abduction of Gundren Rockseeker as part of The Black Spider’s search for Wave Echo Cave. Defeated by the party in their effort to rescue Gundren, …

    That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil (entity inside Rulkorf’s Cloak of the Manta …
  • An old castle in the Neverwinter Wood that was used by King Grohl and the Cragmaws as the seat of their power. The Party rescued Gundren Rockseeker here and first encountered the drow who stole the dwarf’s map.

  • King Grohl
  • Multiple bugbears (deceased)
  • A grick (de…
  • A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    Followers of the Sigma Grindset, Alphas amongst Chads, Gods amongst lesser-jacked Gods. Diametrically opposed to Lozenge Azure. Official ideology of the Redbrands and all truly self-actualized men, whether they are Going Their Own Way or otherwise.

    This organization is far flung and diffuse– a small town is likely to contain at most one member of the Lozenge Gule…

    Buncha fuckin pussies, am I right?

    Doesn’t even know that Lozenge Gules exists (well, at least until Kleb made his presence known in Phandalin). Favored by Lord Neverember, and as a result the traveling groups of Lozenge Azure enjoy the protection of his mintarn mercenaries.


  • Maintain order and peace
  • Promote pros…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil (entity inside Rulkorf’s Cloak of the Manta …
  • A decrepit manor on the eastern end of Phandalin. The subterranean complex below the mansion serves as the main hideout for the Redbrands.

  • Glasstaff (deceased)
  • Nothic
  • Multiple undead servants
  • Multiple humans and bugbears
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    Through a telepathic misunderstanding, answers to the name “Me.” The nothic is a mutated and corrupted mage with telepathic powers and a piercing, necrotic gaze. He is very agile and fights with his claws as well.

  • Hated Glasstaff because he was responsible for ‘acquiring’ this creature. It is unclear whether the mage contributed to the n…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    Elf who died about 500 years ago shredding the gnar. He woke up inhabiting the Manta Ray Cloak.

  • Friend of the party
  • Through a telepathic misunderstanding, answers to the name “Me.” The nothic is a mutated and corrupted mage with telepathic powers and a piercing, necrotic gaze. He is very agile and fights with his claws as well.

  • Hated Glasstaff because he was responsible for ‘acquiring’ this creature. It is unclear whether the mage contributed to the n…
  • A town off the Triboar Trail, lying in between the Sword Coast to the west and the Sword Mountains to the east.

  • Barthen’s Provisions – the general store for the town
  • Lionshield Coster – arms and armor shop owned by Linene. The party has a standing 15% discount
  • Stonehill Inn – an inn and tavern by the center of town. [[t…
  • A bandit group that held influence in the area outside Phandalin. Their leader, King Grohl, resided at Cragmaw Castle, but one of his subordinates named Klarg led a group of goblins from a hideout near the western side of the Triboar Trail. They were known to set up ambushes and attack vulnerable travelers.

  • [[king-grohl|King G…
  • Buncha fuckin pussies, am I right?

    Doesn’t even know that Lozenge Gules exists (well, at least until Kleb made his presence known in Phandalin). Favored by Lord Neverember, and as a result the traveling groups of Lozenge Azure enjoy the protection of his mintarn mercenaries.


  • Maintain order and peace
  • Promote pros…
  • Through a telepathic misunderstanding, answers to the name “Me.” The nothic is a mutated and corrupted mage with telepathic powers and a piercing, necrotic gaze. He is very agile and fights with his claws as well.

  • Hated Glasstaff because he was responsible for ‘acquiring’ this creature. It is unclear whether the mage contributed to the n…
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil (entity inside Rulkorf’s Cloak of the Manta …
  • A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy

  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest
  • Shadow-Touched
  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • R…
  • Through a telepathic misunderstanding, answers to the name “Me.” The nothic is a mutated and corrupted mage with telepathic powers and a piercing, necrotic gaze. He is very agile and fights with his claws as well.

  • Hated Glasstaff because he was responsible for ‘acquiring’ this creature. It is unclear whether the mage contributed to the n…
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil (entity inside Rulkorf’s Cloak of the Manta …
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil (entity inside Rulkorf’s Cloak of the Manta …
  • A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    Buncha fuckin pussies, am I right?

    Doesn’t even know that Lozenge Gules exists (well, at least until Kleb made his presence known in Phandalin). Favored by Lord Neverember, and as a result the traveling groups of Lozenge Azure enjoy the protection of his mintarn mercenaries.


  • Maintain order and peace
  • Promote pros…
  • A human who works as the head of security for his friend Gundren Rockseeker. Hired the party to escort goods to Phandalin and helped them rescue Gundren from the Cragmaws. Sildar himself had been saved earlier from Klarg’s band of goblins by after he fell to their ambush, and as a result is more than w…

    A hill dwarf from the southern end of the Sword Coast, Rulkorf was born with an insatiable urge to experience different parts of the natural world. After leaving home, he spent years as a bounty hunter and navigator aboard a ship before founding the party along with Kleb Fumpton and Rowan Chokrotsk. He felt called to specialize his skills as a Dru…

    A human who works as the head of security for his friend Gundren Rockseeker. Hired the party to escort goods to Phandalin and helped them rescue Gundren from the Cragmaws. Sildar himself had been saved earlier from Klarg’s band of goblins by after he fell to their ambush, and as a result is more than w…

    A priestess of Tymora, Gariele calls Phandalin home. She takes care of the Shrine of Luck at the center of town. Gariele is friendly and welcoming, and was delighted to meet Rowan, another follower of her order.

  • Friend of the party
  • Member of the Harpers
  • Through a telepathic misunderstanding, answers to the name “Me.” The nothic is a mutated and corrupted mage with telepathic powers and a piercing, necrotic gaze. He is very agile and fights with his claws as well.

  • Hated Glasstaff because he was responsible for ‘acquiring’ this creature. It is unclear whether the mage contributed to the n…
  • Buncha fuckin pussies, am I right?

    Doesn’t even know that Lozenge Gules exists (well, at least until Kleb made his presence known in Phandalin). Favored by Lord Neverember, and as a result the traveling groups of Lozenge Azure enjoy the protection of his mintarn mercenaries.


  • Maintain order and peace
  • Promote pros…
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil (entity inside Rulkorf’s Cloak of the Manta …
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …