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Thus Schemed Zarathustra


  • Fortuitously strong winds make the journey to Baldur’s Gate quick, although some of the crew is exhausted from managing the sails
  • There is an air of tension to the city, with more visible guards than Waterdeep
    • The Flaming Fists are operating out of Baldur’s Gate, doing mercenary work and supplementing the city guard. They seem a bit more hardened and capable
  • Kleb recognizes one of the mercenary’s school ring, denoting him as an alumnus of Rockton, the rival to Kleb’s Brichtenschlag. Kleb is still bitter about the jousting championships from a few years back
  • The party parts ways amicably with Alabaster, Hanano, and the others
    • The cook gives them a store of magically-preserved food and some of his personal alcohol
  • Arriving in the early evening, our trio decide to spend the night in the city and head to Candlekeep in the morning…but there’s always time for a pub crawl
    • Rowan wins a nip bottle of Fireball from his drinking contest
      • Rulkorf passes out, Kleb accidentally starts a fights by hitting on someone’s date
    • As the entire bar erupts into a brawl, the party flees the establishment. On their way to the next locale, Rulkorf notices a hooded figure trailing them
      • When the dwarf alerts him to this, Kleb immediately turns and tackles the person, who is revealed to be none other than Fallon the bard!
      • He brings them to his complementary rooms at the Blushing Mermaid inn
  • Meeting the following morning
    • Fallon is banned from Candlekeep, but knows their entry requirements – and the party only has 2 tickets in (mirror dimension info & Thunderbird records)
    • Fallon wants help breaking in somewhere, and thinks it could provide the third piece of lore the party would need
      • Planning meeting tonight in Fallon’s room, after he plays his show
  • Kleb hangs out at the “Muscle Beach” of Baldur’s Gate, Rulkorf explores some of the tourist traps at the various gates, and Rowan visits a number of different temples throughout the city
  • Fallon lays out his plans for the heist at House Avorio
    • The Avorio Mansion is about 4 miles outside of town. Lord Tactus Avorio lives there, along with his wife Cyrilla and their three children Caethis, Memna, and Leto
      • The Avorios have a few magic items that Fallon is after, including the Spellbook of Zarathustra which will be the party’s goal
    • Need to bring in 4 members of the Thieves Guild who are collaborating with Fallon but have their own targets. It would be prudent not to trust them
    • Couple informants on the inside that can get the infiltration team through the outer gates
      • No magical charms or wards on the outer walls, but inner doors are protected and only able to be opened with special amulets
      • 32 House Guard at any given time, with fixed outposts in addition to roving patrols
    • Needs to be done in 48 hours, before there is opportunity to relocate the items
    • Locations of Primary Interest (all on second floor):
      • Treasury Demiplane
      • Master Bedroom
      • Library