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Flipping the Ship


  • A quick search of the corpses reveals little – in fact, their persons are conspicuously absent of any tattoos, symbols, trinkets, or anything else useful for identification
    • Rulkorf recognizes the wooden weapons as being made of ironwood, a special material that is rare and grows mainly in the far-off Faerunian forests east of the Anauroch desert
    • Kleb has heard of a monastic order of mercenaries that these attackers could possibly belong to
    • Kleb gathers 4 of the ironwood staves and take 25 silver pieces off the civilians’ corpses
  • The party leaves the crime scene and head back to their inn, pretending to be drunk as to avoid any suspicions that they didn’t make it to the club
  • A bit paranoid, the trio check their rooms for intruders or traps, and Kleb borrows some caltrops from the dwarf to give him some warning if someone uses the door or window. He also sets up a decoy in his bed, and sleeps in a chair with his crossbow instead
    • Rulkorf sleeps fitfully, a bit shaken about the innocents who were murdered in front of him, the new faction that is hostile to the party, and how close they came to being killed themselves before the dwarf even had a chance to react. His relative helplessness is distressing
  • In the middle of the night, an intruder silently creeps into Kleb’s room, deftly avoiding the traps and even dodges the crossbow bolt Kleb fires. The figure suddenly appears behind the fighter, stabbing him repeatedly…and Kleb jolts awake. He moves onto the closet floor for the rest of the night
  • Morning comes, and the group meets for breakfast before departing for the Oremaster
    • They learn that ball bearings are in very short supply in the city, and as a result are very valuable
    • Reaching the Oremaster + Thunderbird, docked next to each other, the party boards Alabaster’s ship to speak to him
      • He is surprised to see them – he sent out people to search for the trio and didn’t know what happened after they parted ways. He is also very stressed and busy, managing logistics of new cargo and hiring extra crew
      • Hanano is overjoyed that they are all safe
    • Tauros already sent word that things have been smoothed over
  • With about one day left before departure, the party sets out to find the shipmonger so they can flip the Thunderbird for gold
    • After making themselves conspicuous, the salesman finds them. With a trenchcoat full of magically scale-down (but real) ships in bottles, he follows the party to ships so they can give him a tour and he can make his own appraisal
    • After negotiations, they settle on a price of 3,630 gold, which is delivered in trade bars and coins
  • With bursting pocketbooks and newly-restored status as non-criminals, the party makes a quick run to various shops around the city to pick up supplies and new gear
    • Rulkorf bought an ironwood breastplate, 2 Scrolls of Revivify, a Potion of Growth, and a Javelin of Lightning
    • Kleb purchased a Necklace of Fireballs (9 beads strong) as well as a new higher-caliber speargun, err…crossbow
    • Rowan got himself an Amulet of the Devout (+2) and Goggles of Night
    • The group also offloaded some extra weapons and armor and sold the jewels and gems that they had acquired in the recent past, splitting the money