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Going in Circles


  • Kleb locks eyes with the lumbering monstrosity on the other side of the mirror portal, but can’t close it fast enough to prevent a confrontation
    • The creature has white skin that looks like marble, silvered eyes, two stump-like protrusions on its back, and wields a gigantic mace that is in proportion to its 8+ foot frame
  • Kleb tanks a swing from the mace and manages to put the extra walkie-talkie ring on the creature’s finger
    • Rulkorf pulls him away and the portal closes, but not before the creature telepathically begs them to stay away and get out
  • Having sealed off the creature and lost track of it, the party deliberates for a while before returning to their original plan of heading to the closest edge of the maze with Kleb providing guidance from his perch on the flying broom above the maze
  • From high up above the mirrors, Kleb sees some sections are foggy/blurry while others are clear. He notes two figures walking through a section of the maze, and upon further investigation they appear to be a half-orc and a dwarf
    • He guides Rowan and Rulkorf to the pair, and descends so they can all talk.
      • Rulkorf and Rowan provide pseudonyms (Erasmus and Carlos, respectively) while Kleb uses his real name.
      • Ozamataz Buckshank the half-orc apparently was duped by a woman as well (she took his enchanted bow), which is why he is here along with his friend Beezer Twelve Washingbeard. They were led to the Hall of Mirrors by a woman in a red dress named Scarlet, while the party’s guide was named Lavender and wore a purple dress
        • The orc is a ranger of the forest, while the dwarf is a sorcerer, and the pair encountered the traveling carnival near Port Nayenzaru in the land of Chult (to the south)
        • They seem to have been here for 3 days, but their sense of time and orientation is all screwed up
        • Having built more of a rapport, when Beezer questions Erasmus for family name, Rulkorf opts to reveal his true name and background
    • The travelers decide to advance together and try to escape the maze as a group