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Crackling Doom


  • Kleb loots TK’s corpse, taking his +1 shortsword and 6 GP (splitting the money among the party)
  • The group quickly discusses their options and agrees to split up and reconvene soon. Kleb heads off to the Manor in case a separate squad of Lozenge Azure went after the Nothic, carrying half of TK’s body with him.
  • Rowan heads to the Townmaster’s Hall to get Sildar, but Sildar runs into him first as the man rushes to investigate the commotion.
    • The paladin offers to explain the situation, and they sit down in Sildar’s office while he recaps what happened. Sildar is sympathetic, and not only believes Rowan but has a plan to get the party (and the town) out of the situation unscathed. He does not have time to offer details, but he does promise to get some muscle over to the inn and clean up the mess.
  • Rulkorf inspects the bodies of the mages. Each of them is wearing a conspicuous ring, which the dwarf’s compass, along with his attuned senses, indicate are of a magical nature. Rulkorf takes all 4, but leaves the bodies for now.
  • Rulkorf and Rowan set out to the manor, the former heading to the secret entrance in the shack and the latter going directly after Kleb.
  • Kleb arrives at Tresendar Manor and after setting down TK’s body and making a quick inspection becomes convinced that there are enemies around. Rowan follows closely behind and sees no evidence whatsoever that anything has been disturbed. The cellar door is locked, so Kleb unlocks it and the pair proceed inside.
  • As Rulkorf reaches the broken wall, he spots figures in the distance heading towards the manor, and pulls out his spyglass for a better look.
    • The incoming group consists of 10 mintarn, 2 of whom are elven and 1 who looks to be dragonborn, as well as 2 figures that are dressed differently and don’t appear to be as martial. Mages perhaps?
  • Rulkorf makes it in time to warn the others, yelling down into the lobby from outside before concealing himself behind a bush. Seeing the formation marching closer in 4 ranks of 3, the druid summons forth the fury of the heavens to ambush them.
  • Lightning strikes the dragonborn sergeant directly, while another mage is burned and tossed aside by the force of the energy that just blasted down next to him. The rest scramble for cover
  • Rowan draws his weapons and camps in the manor, setting up an ambush of his own, and Kleb rushes out to jump into the fray. Seeing no one left to fight (he isn’t very perceptive), Kleb punches the wall of the manor out of frustration
  • Rulkorf steps out into the open, relishing his power and the force of nature he has become. Blasts three enemies to bits with another lightning strike, he protects himself with a set of illusory duplicates
  • Soldiers try to collect themselves despite the shock and awe. The sergeant rallies an archer and a couple mages for a counterattack on the druid, but they fail to accomplish anything beyond taking out one of the mirror images
  • Kleb is overjoyed at the opportunity for a battle, and immediately knows what he wants to do. The fighter notches his magic bolt in his crossbow, and with an athletic run and slide down the northern escarpment, lines up multiple enemies and punches through three of them with his makeshift laser beam
  • Rulkorf runs down the hill on pure adrenaline, hand sharpening into a claw, and swipes at the dragonborn, who catches the strike on his shield. The druid blasts a pair of mintarn who were huddled together, and taunts the dragonborn, who ripostes by unleashing his breath weapon. He blasts the druid with a cone of fire and promises that the party will be nothing but ash when he is done
  • Rowan takes a moment to pray to Tymora for assistance before finally joining the melee. His first swipe at a mage fails to connect, but the second strikes true, while Kleb runs another soldier through with his sword
  • Rulkorf, singed and a little more cautious, transforms into an ape and pounds his chest. The dragonborn slashes him twice.
  • Rowan is set upon by a pair of mintarn who fail to penetrate his armor. He, however, counterattacks viciously and successfully.
  • Kleb closes the gap he had set up and comes to Rulkorf’s aid with melee strikes of his own, harrying the dragonborn.
  • Rulkorf flexes the strength of his new bestial form by bringing both fists down on the head of the beleaguered sergeant, knocking him unconscious and dropping him to the dirt.
  • Seeing their commander fall, the five remaining mintarn (one archer and four swordsmen) drop their weapons and surrender.