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Schemes & Maneuvers


The crew settle at a table in the Stonehill Inn with Sildar to draft a plan to drive the Lozenge Azure out of Phandalin. It quickly escalates from pranks to all-out psychogical warfare, at which point Sildar voices his hesitation to transgress against the Lords’ Alliance. He is honorbound to act prudently, but Kleb has taken no such oath. The latter spots a Lozenge Azure member across the hall and, without hesitation, throws his earthenware mug at the robed man. It strikes him in the back of the head with a resounding thunk and the missionary drop unconscious.

Somewhat used to Kleb’s whims, the rest of the party quickly agrees to drag the body out behind the inn. Kleb takes the man’s coinpurse and tosses it to the bartender, who agrees to keep quiet about the incident. Rowan steals his robes, and Kleb decides the man deserves more humiliation. The fighter graffitis him with dicks (as is ritually done to the unconscious in accordance with Lozenge Gules), dunks him in a manure pit, and finally tosses him (with Rowan’s help) in front of Barthen’s store.

Deciding the Nothic might be useful, the party heads up to Tresendar Manor. They find the door locked, but Kleb uses his keyring to eventually open the door. They decide to explore the northern section of the hideout under the manor, where Rulkorf nearly falls into a spike trap. He noticed it, but thought he could jump over it – instead, he slipped and nearly impaled himself, but managed to cross the gap with some clever use of a handheld mirror and a timely Misty Step.

  • As the group comes upon Jeeves, Kleb takes the opportunity to nope out of there. Rulkorf and Rowan talk to the servant and discover a pair of empty prison cells off the crypt
  • Kleb talks to Nothic, discovers that the organization has grown but most members are out
  • Rulkorf leaves his extra spellbooks for the Nothic, and introduces him to Gil
  • Kleb instructs Dennis, a Redbrand homebody who is holding down the fort, to watch out for the Lozenge Azure
  • Reuniting, the group opens a locked iron door with Kleb’s key and enter what appears to be a workshop. Not much inside besides Redbrand cloaks and random equipment, but Kleb notices some tools for enhancing weapons
  • The party ask the Nothic to harass the Lozenge Azure and help drive them out of town. He agrees, and also provides a shortlist of the semi-interesting rumors and secrets he’s discovered recently. Specifically,
  1. Increase in traffic at Candlekeep
  2. Traveling circus on the road between Phandalin and Neverwinter
  3. Increase in outbound charters from Waterdeep
  • The group heads out via the central tunnel that they had previously ignored, which eventually takes them aboveground to the north of town
  • On their way back to the inn, Kleb practices with his broom to try and control his speed more reliably. They agree to meet with Garaele (and maybe Halia in the morning), and head to bed

Kleb does his morning exercises on the town green again while waiting for the others to wake up, but eventually they meet outside Garaele’s house. She invites them in and gives Rulkorf and Rowan their newly-minted Harpers’ Medallions. They briefly discuss the Lozenge Azure before Garaele returns to the matter of their earlier mission for her with Agatha. Rowan recounts the information they learned, which pleases Garaele.

For Rulkorf and Rowan, the reward is satisfaction and gratitude from the Harper’s organization. As an independent contractor, Kleb is owed 5 GP, which Garaele gives to Rulkorf (as Kleb left the earlier when Sister Garaele scolded him for eating all of her cookies). Upon receiving his reward, Kleb flips each of his partners 1 gold piece in thanks.