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Tresendar Manor

A decrepit manor on the eastern end of Phandalin. The subterranean complex below the mansion serves as the main hideout for the Redbrands.




  • Glasstaff (deceased)
  • Nothic
  • Multiple undead servants
  • Multiple humans and bugbears

A town off the Triboar Trail, lying in between the Sword Coast to the west and the Sword Mountains to the east.

  • Barthen’s Provisions – the general store for the town
  • Lionshield Coster – arms and armor shop owned by Linene. The party has a standing 15% discount
  • Stonehill Inn – an inn and tavern by the center of town. [[t…
  • A mafia that exerted control over Phandalin, based out of the complex underneath Tresendar Manor. Led by Glasstaff before his untimely end at the hands of the party.

  • Glasstaff (deceased)
  • Nothic aka Me
  • Followers
    • Steve (human)
    • Jared (human)
    • Big Dennis (human)
    • Little Dennis (bugbear), …
  • Steve (human)
  • Jared (human)
  • Big Dennis (human)
  • Little Dennis (bugbear), …
  • Glasstaff (whose real name was Iarno Albrek) was a wizard who led the band of Redbrands in Phandalin.

  • Had a pet rat as a familiar. Little is known about the rat because after it zapped Kleb with arcane electricity, he obliterated it.
  • Worked for the The Black Spider in some capacity, as he was given [[instructions-…
  • Through a telepathic misunderstanding, answers to the name “Me.” The nothic is a mutated and corrupted mage with telepathic powers and a piercing, necrotic gaze. He is very agile and fights with his claws as well.

  • Hated Glasstaff because he was responsible for ‘acquiring’ this creature. It is unclear whether the mage contributed to the n…