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Cragmaw Castle

An old castle in the Neverwinter Wood that was used by King Grohl and the Cragmaws as the seat of their power. The Party rescued Gundren Rockseeker here and first encountered the drow who stole the dwarf’s map.




  • King Grohl
  • Multiple bugbears (deceased)
  • A grick (deceased)
  • Kitchen staff, all goblins

A fearsome hobgoblin (not a bugbear) who ruled the Cragmaws from Cragmaw Castle. He ordered the abduction of Gundren Rockseeker as part of The Black Spider’s search for Wave Echo Cave. Defeated by the party in their effort to rescue Gundren, …

A bandit group that held influence in the area outside Phandalin. Their leader, King Grohl, resided at Cragmaw Castle, but one of his subordinates named Klarg led a group of goblins from a hideout near the western side of the Triboar Trail. They were known to set up ambushes and attack vulnerable travelers.

  • [[king-grohl|King G…
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil
  • Gundren is a successful merchant who runs a mining operation with his brothers. He hired the party to escort his wares to Phandalin, but after he was abducted by the Cragmaws, they rescued him and he helped them get to Wave Echo Cave to intercept The Black Spider.

  • Gundren had two brothers
    • One of the…
  • One of the…
  • A fearsome hobgoblin (not a bugbear) who ruled the Cragmaws from Cragmaw Castle. He ordered the abduction of Gundren Rockseeker as part of The Black Spider’s search for Wave Echo Cave. Defeated by the party in their effort to rescue Gundren, …