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The Redbrands

A mafia that exerted control over Phandalin, based out of the complex underneath Tresendar Manor. Led by Glasstaff before his untimely end at the hands of the party.


  • Glasstaff (deceased)
  • Nothic aka Me
  • Followers
    • Steve (human)
    • Jared (human)
    • Big Dennis (human)
    • Little Dennis (bugbear), former follower of King Grohl
    • Arath (dragonborn), former Mintarn sergeant
    • Jarvis (undead servant)
    • Jeeves (undead servant)

A town off the Triboar Trail, lying in between the Sword Coast to the west and the Sword Mountains to the east.

  • Barthen’s Provisions – the general store for the town
  • Lionshield Coster – arms and armor shop owned by Linene. The party has a standing 15% discount
  • Stonehill Inn – an inn and tavern by the center of town. [[t…
  • A decrepit manor on the eastern end of Phandalin. The subterranean complex below the mansion serves as the main hideout for the Redbrands.

  • Glasstaff (deceased)
  • Nothic
  • Multiple undead servants
  • Multiple humans and bugbears
  • Glasstaff (whose real name was Iarno Albrek) was a wizard who led the band of Redbrands in Phandalin.

  • Had a pet rat as a familiar. Little is known about the rat because after it zapped Kleb with arcane electricity, he obliterated it.
  • Worked for the The Black Spider in some capacity, as he was given [[instructions-…
  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil
  • Glasstaff (whose real name was Iarno Albrek) was a wizard who led the band of Redbrands in Phandalin.

  • Had a pet rat as a familiar. Little is known about the rat because after it zapped Kleb with arcane electricity, he obliterated it.
  • Worked for the The Black Spider in some capacity, as he was given [[instructions-…
  • Through a telepathic misunderstanding, answers to the name “Me.” The nothic is a mutated and corrupted mage with telepathic powers and a piercing, necrotic gaze. He is very agile and fights with his claws as well.

  • Hated Glasstaff because he was responsible for ‘acquiring’ this creature. It is unclear whether the mage contributed to the n…
  • A fearsome hobgoblin (not a bugbear) who ruled the Cragmaws from Cragmaw Castle. He ordered the abduction of Gundren Rockseeker as part of The Black Spider’s search for Wave Echo Cave. Defeated by the party in their effort to rescue Gundren, …