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Lozenge Gules

Followers of the Sigma Grindset, Alphas amongst Chads, Gods amongst lesser-jacked Gods. Diametrically opposed to Lozenge Azure. Official ideology of the Redbrands and all truly self-actualized men, whether they are Going Their Own Way or otherwise.

This organization is far flung and diffuse– a small town is likely to contain at most one member of the Lozenge Gules but not more. Communications between members are maintained through use of town bulletin boards and the group’s self-stated obligation to “repost if based.” Members are encouraged to engage in
masculine activities: lifting, fighting, shit-talking, fucking, etc. Bookishness, self-doubt, physical weakness, “no bitches,” and soy are seen as undesirable qualities (sins). Among members these sins are seen as correctible mis-steps, outsiders are less fortunate. Labeled as “betas” or “cucks,” these men are shunned, mocked, assaulted, or –if lucky– subjected to psycho-social pressure into converting. The Lozenge Azure is a group associated with these activities.

The Lozenge Gules believes that a dominance hierarchy (alphas above betas, chads above simps, etc.) is the primary mechanism of social interaction. As such, members fiercely compete with one-another for status within the organization. To outsiders this may imply fractiousness and low group cohesion, but the group’s comradery-through-competition is not to be ignored – best explained by the group’s saying, “I against myself; myself against my Bro[ther]s; my Bro[ther]s and myself against nonbelievers; my Bro[ther]s, nonbelievers, and myself against women.”

The group’s internal dynamics are dictated by the Lozenge Gules’ emphasis on dominance hierarchy


Buncha fuckin pussies, am I right?

Doesn’t even know that Lozenge Gules exists (well, at least until Kleb made his presence known in Phandalin). Favored by Lord Neverember, and as a result the traveling groups of Lozenge Azure enjoy the protection of his mintarn mercenaries.


  • Maintain order and peace
  • Promote pros…
  • A mafia that exerted control over Phandalin, based out of the complex underneath Tresendar Manor. Led by Glasstaff before his untimely end at the hands of the party.

  • Glasstaff (deceased)
  • Nothic aka Me
  • Followers
    • Steve (human)
    • Jared (human)
    • Big Dennis (human)
    • Little Dennis (bugbear), …
  • Steve (human)
  • Jared (human)
  • Big Dennis (human)
  • Little Dennis (bugbear), …
  • Buncha fuckin pussies, am I right?

    Doesn’t even know that Lozenge Gules exists (well, at least until Kleb made his presence known in Phandalin). Favored by Lord Neverember, and as a result the traveling groups of Lozenge Azure enjoy the protection of his mintarn mercenaries.


  • Maintain order and peace
  • Promote pros…
  • A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.

    Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?

    Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to …

    A mafia that exerted control over Phandalin, based out of the complex underneath Tresendar Manor. Led by Glasstaff before his untimely end at the hands of the party.

  • Glasstaff (deceased)
  • Nothic aka Me
  • Followers
    • Steve (human)
    • Jared (human)
    • Big Dennis (human)
    • Little Dennis (bugbear), …
  • Steve (human)
  • Jared (human)
  • Big Dennis (human)
  • Little Dennis (bugbear), …