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Rowan Chokrotsk

A human paladin, follower of Tymora, and champion of the common man. Rowan is 26 years old. He is a cart guy




  • Subclass: Oath of Conquest


  • Shadow-Touched

Special Possessions

  • A bajillion blessed ball bearings
  • Shield with giant fricking spikes on it
  • Lightbringer mace
  • Purple armor taken from the defeated King Grohl
  • Rocket Sword
  • Ring of Odd Evening

A fearsome hobgoblin (not a bugbear) who ruled the Cragmaws from Cragmaw Castle. He ordered the abduction of Gundren Rockseeker as part of The Black Spider’s search for Wave Echo Cave. Defeated by the party in their effort to rescue Gundren, …


  • The party attempt to interrogate the mintarn who surrendered, to little avail. The soldiers do nothing but repeat their names, ranks, and serial numbers
  • Kleb manages to intimidate the rookie enough to get him talking a bit (he confirms that TK gave the orders and sent them to the manor), but the other mer…