Kleb Fumpton
A 19-year-old human fighter who impresses others with his outstanding physical fitness and imposingly masculine personality. Watch your girl.
Looks like manly man; you mirin’ bro?
Kleb Fumpton is a young man who, if not for his impressive musculature, would be utterly unnoteworthy. He is of average height, whose dark hair is close cropped and face is clean-shaven in accordance to military discipline.
- As a bookish child of a well-to-do peasant farming family, Kleb imbibed a substantial amount of written history. As a side-effect of what often amounted to reading ghost stories, Kleb not-so-secretly harbors a fear of the undead and otherwise reanimated.
- Kleb discovered the Lozenge Gules organization/philosophy in his early teens, becoming a zealous acolyte of its weltanschauung before enrolling at Brichtenschlag Military Academy in an attempt to achieve his full masculine potential. As the years have passed, Kleb’s devotion to the faith/cause, much like his upper body, has only grown stronger.
- While at Brichtenschlag, Kleb joined the fraternal order of the Argentine Brotherhood, known more commonly by their monniker, the Silver Boys. Kleb found their behavior and beliefs pleasantly similar to that of the Lozenge Gules.
- Unable to put his intellectual leanings fully behind him, Kleb performed well at the academy. He formed an especially strong friendship with his mentor Drodge Kangerstone, the school armorer.
- Upon graduating, Kleb has struck out on his own as a sellsword and adventurer-for-hire, working for roughly a year before being hired by Gundren Rockseeker.
- Subclass: Champion
- Dual Wielder
Special Possessions¶
- Calibur/Exossis, the sword not pulled from the stone, but the bone.
- Door Knocker, a war hammer capable of casting the Knock spell once a day (for super cool tactical breaches)
- List of impressive enemies (based on damage done to Kleb). Mostly full of inanimate objects
- Seemingly unending supply of Lozenge Gules promotional pamphlets.
- Bottle of Cologne No. 4