The Black Spider
An evil mage who sought to obtain the power of the Spellforge for unkown ends. He instructed his subordinates to capture or kill the party to prevent them from interfering with his search. While our adventurers were able to stop the Spider’s minions who went to Wave Echo Cave, they killed Gundren Rockseeker’s brother before the party arrived.
The Black Spider is known to frequently use doppelgangers to protect himself from being swept into a confrontation. He has many giant spiders as pets and keeps them close to him.
His current location is unknown.
- Glasstaff (deceased)
- Black Knight (deceased)
- High elf who impersonated Senior Archivist Alana Stormwood (deceased)
- Dark Elf who stole Gundren’s map (deceased)
- Mercenaries in Wave Echo Cave (deceased)
- Multiple doppelgangers
- Multiple Giant Spiders