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Alder Wickwire

Stupid and corrupt magistrate of the Waterdeep docks. Framed the party for piracy so that he could take the bounty (and credit) for apprehending the Thunderbird himself.


  • Works closely with the Waterdeep City Guard

Lorem ipsum

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  • Petty Junior Deputy Under-Harbormaster Wickwire
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  • That’s us! Name to be determined…

  • Rulkorf Alpensinger, dwarf coastal druid
  • Rowan Chokrotsk, human paladin of Tymora
  • Kleb Fumpton, human fighter
  • Fallon (joined in Phandalin during the race to the Spellforge)
  • Gil
  • Lorem ipsum

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  • a
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  • Petty Junior Deputy Under-Harbormaster Wickwire
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